Application Retail Jewellery shops
Jewellery shops
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Display window

The display window is where the brand is introduced, it is the shop's front, giving the first impression to the audience.The architecture and lighting design needs to work together

to capture attention. The space must take every opportunity to show the shop's brand and offer. It is not easy to stand out in all the visual impressions that a customer is exposed to in retail.Attention can be created with a good mix of displayed products, the interior and the lighting.


It is not always the brightest display that gets the most attention, it is the one that touches the observer, and here lighting plays an essential role.


Our eyes see by comparing light and dark spots.To illuminate with large contrasts with spotlights the items in the window can be more visible than if it is only bright light in the display. The large contrasts creates an interestthat can inspire and make the customer enter the shop

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Display window