Application Retail Cars showrooms
Cars showrooms
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Sales hall

The sales are can be divided into areas with different purposes, depending of the brand offer; the primary displayed area, where the latest cars and campaigns are displayed and the secondary displayed area, the area where more cars are displayed such as older cars or second hand cars.


In the primary displayed area use more spotlights together with general lighttocreate an interesting and dynamic environment. In the secondary displayed area there is not the same need for exclusive luminaires but just as important to use luminaires that give sufficient light


In general it is important with sufficient lighting but do not only use general light, a mix of spotlights and luminaires with larger bright surfaces are to recommend.With bright surfaces we create a light that is gentler and soothes the shapes of the cars.This can be achieved with continuous row lighting where the reflected light from the luminaire help to define the shape of the cars.

To highlight beamers and logos it is possible to usespotlights. Again take notice of the height and consider what amount of light the luminaire needs to have in order to give enough light

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Sales hall